Rare Trials

Accelerating clinical study enrollment


Clinical trial recruitment has become one of the most daunting, and expensive, challenges in drug development. Even with significant investment, enrollment in clinical trials often fails to meet enrollment goals, even after enrollment periods are markedly extended. 


Recruitment/enrollment now comprises around 40% of the US pharmaceutical industry's collective clinical trial budget.

Pools of potential participants are small

There is often incomplete knowledge of the natural history of the rare condition or demographic group

Rare disease patients, and especially parents, are reluctant to take a chance on experimental therapies

Journey Matching™


Rare Expertise has proven that driving targeted patients through our Journey Matching process results in a significant increase in qualified candidates for rare disease trials

Effective online advertising requires deep understanding of the patients, the condition, the typical diagnostic process, and the treatment journey

The underlying concept of Journey Matching is simple - at different stages in the diagnosis and management of a disease, people seek different types of information

By carefully matching our campaigns with the stage of information seeking, we can more effectively connect with more potential participants